Meet Cindy, founder @ La Woman Touch

Hi there!

Here is a little tour of my past projects

2002 - First (fantastic) idea: Let's open a chocolate store in New York and make a fortune!

I live in Belgium but was born in the States. No problem therefore to start working there! Here I go, nothing can stop me (well, sort of...). I begin a 3 years evening education in the same school Marcolini went to (see how promising it all was!), in parallel to my day job as a school teacher

Oh yeah, and I start teaching Spinning, beacause, you know, I still had a little time left ;o)



2006 - Ok, let's lower the expectation a little... But not too much!

Instead of leaving for the US, I decide to start a small business right here in Brussels. I sell cookies and chocolates to restaurants.People like it, the owners of the restaurants are delighted, it's starting to take!

I also help my husband at the time to develop his business. Amongst other things, I manage our sportswear online shop.


I soon have to face it...

All of this, in addition to my full time job, and the birth of my son in 2008, is just too much. I stop managing the online store. I also put on hold my (however promising) chocolate project, with regrets, I must say. 

2010 – One of my favorite projects of all...

My son is 2 years old, and I feel I can start living again! (Those of you who have kids surely understand what I mean.) Yes, people! There is a world outside of "baby's world"!! ;-)

I had been writing for a while. But here and there. Never taking the time to seriously get into it. 

I get more seriously into that "young adult" book I had started working on. I write, I write, I write. Finaly, I write the final line. It gets published in 2014. And even if I realized later on that the publishing house is not very good, I am really proud of this...



And then, life hits you...

2012 - A few difficult years coming ahead.

Everybody has to go through challenging moments in their life. For me, 2012, 2013 and 2014 were difficult.
I went through a divorce in 2012 and in 2013 I began taking care of my son full time, as my ex-husband went to live abroad. 
I had to bite through, and move on one day at a time!


2015 - It's time to reconnect with my passions!

When I started finding balance again (I don't know of you ever find it back completely ;-) I wanted to start working on a project again.

I hesitated between the chocolates and the sportswear... Because we need both, right?!?!

You know now which one I chose. I love all the creativity I can express in this project. Searching for gorgeous sportswear, finding new fun places for the photo shoots, new amazing places for the events!




Why the sportswear?

Wel, I teach 5 hours of Spinning a week and I was having a hard time finding sportswear I liked. Not original enough, not girly enough, not unique enough. Do you know the feeling?? So I did some heavy brand searching and I found truly amazing clothes!!

Let me present to you those amazing brands!

° Urban Goddess is an eco-friendly brand, from The Netherlands. They only propose amazing yoga wear made from organic cotton in a responsible and honest way. Their clothes are so comfy that you want to wear them all day long!

° Lorna Jane is a more technical brand from Australia, and is using high quality fabrics. They present truly gorgeous and original designs made in great fabrics. A fashonista must have!!!


Let the new adventure begin...

2016 - I launche the online store in june. And I've been developing this project more and more ever since.

I'm currently the exclusive distributor in Brussels for Urban Goddess, and in Belgium for Lorna Jane and Kymoo.



I also organize well-being events.

My favorite sessions are the one I organize in Museums in Brussels and around. Because it is a challenge for me to look for new places, receive authorization to organize an event there... I was very proud of the first sessions that were held in the Natural Museum of Sciences in Brussels! It was so unbelievable!

I also love our smaller yoga sessions held in a Yoga studio in Brussels: yoga class, a cup of tea, a cookie (or more!!), and the possibility to try the sportswear! As it is women only, we totaly turn the yoga studio into a fashion show!! :o)

For some events, we make it a little longer and add a well-being workshop: Feng Shui, essential oils,..​.

So... As you can see, I'm always busy, trying to improve myself and do evrything I can to offer you the best quality possible...


I hope we get a chance to meet, either by email or during one of the events!

And thank you for reading my story...
